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Three is the magic number - reduce, reuse, recycle

Osnovna škola Glina from September, 2012 untill August, 2014 will participate in a Comenius project "Three is the magic number - reduce, reuse, recycle". This project is a part of a Lifelong Learning Programme. In this project our school will work with 8 more schools from Bulgaria, Denmark, England, France, Ireland, Latvia, Sweden and Wales.

The objectiv of this project is to have respect and emphaty for other cultures, languages and lifestyles, and become confident citizen of Europe. Also this project promotes a care for environment and teaches all the students to become more aware of how they too can look after the environment where they live.



List of partners in the 3`R`s project:

  1. St Mary`s Roman Catholic Primary School, Middlewich, UK
  2. Llancarfan Primary School, Cardiff, UK
  3. Zemites pamatskola, Kandava, Latvia
  4. Asedaskolan, Aseda, Sweden
  5. Z.Stoianov Primary School, Sofia, Bulgaria
  6. Ecole de Penanguer, Quimper, France
  7. Glenfisk NS, Killarney, Ireland
  8. Nim Skole og Bornehus, Braedstrup, Denmark

Project logo:


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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